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I’m visiting Laura and Chad for Thanksgiving in Carlsbad, New Mexico.  This is high-altitude desert at around 3200 feet.  Before they moved here this summer I used to visit them in Spokane where I ran the most incredible route through woods alongside a lake.  Four miles from their house here is an awesome downtown running trail along the Pecos River.  Unfortunately it’s cement rather than actual trail, otherwise it is reminiscent of Town Lake in Austin.  Or I guess they renamed it to Lady Bird Johnson Lake now.  Regardless, this is a very nice inner city running trail.  Good for Carlsbad.

Less than good is that – Taco Bell notwithstanding –  I’ve yet to see a Mexican food restaurant.  Is this not the south-friggin-west?  Chad says there are 3 or 4, but they’re nothing special.  On the plus side though is you can buy Hatch green chilies everywhere; from any burger joint to precooked at WalMart.  Other Carlsbad observations include there are more nail salons than coffee shops and countless old people slowly driving pickup trucks in the fast lane.

The weather is just perfect – high 60s.  And will be all week.  I intend to knock out a 4 miler along the Pecos every day I’m here.  Not a bad way to launch my winter training regimen.